Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pizza at Last! A sad story

When I lived in CA, my family would get pizza from Pizza Hut. The kids would get mini-personal pizzas and a box of Cinnamon Sticks.
But then, a new pizza place moved down the street. It was called 
Z Pizza. It was good but I loved Pizza Hut. I missed how they had thick crusts. It became days, then weeks, then months without Pizza Hut. 

We moved and there was a Z Pizza so close that we didn't go or order from Pizza Hut anymore. 

         Then, one day, when my grandma was visiting, we wanted pizza. So we took the opportunity and asked her fro Pizza Hut. She said: "Ok." So we drove for a couple of minutes down to the only Pizza Hut we knew of. When we walked inside, we smelled the loved smell of delicious pizza, and I knew what I wanted: Personal Panned Pizza and Cinnamon Sticks.  

My PPP was half cheese-half-pepperoni. It was so good. I ate all of it in the car on the way home.

When we got home, we got out the Cinnamon Sticks and there were 10. So we each had three.  They were so good! I like the icing with them. 

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