Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tag You're it: 32 Questions to get to know me!

  1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? . Yep
  2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? Short party dress, but not too short!
  3. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? No
  4. Is your hair up or down today? Up
  5. Do you straighten your hair? Usually for school or church, but not weekend, breaks, and summer etc.
  6. Favorite mascara? Don't wear mascara
  7. Do you get your nails done? Not usually. 
  8. Small or large purses? Large
  9. Jeans or sweats?  Depends...
  10. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? I don't think so...
  11. Do you text message a lot? When I get the chance too... you don't get your phone back 'till I leave
  12. Whats your favorite color? Blue
  13. Heels or flats? Flats!
  14. Would you ever leave the house without makeup on? YEP!! I never leave the house WITH makeup on
  15. Walmart or Target? Target.
  16. Do you think lip gloss is the best!? NO
  17. Do you own any big sunglasses? 1
  18. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? anywhere from 10 minutes to and hour.
  19. Gold or silver? Gold
  20. Do you like to wear dresses? No, I could do skirts...
  21. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? Yepp
  22. Do you like to hold hands? No.. I'm scared of SWEAT... and he's a guyFRieND
  23. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? Smile..and later learn his personality
  24. Do you like making eye contact? No...
  25. Would you kill for chocolate? No!!
  26. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? 1000000
  27. Do you yell a lotno
  28. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? No
  29. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? No.. I don't have clothes unlike me
  30. What makeup could you not live without? None, don't have any
  31. Do you fall in love easily? No
  32. Do you have cramps? Ya
Tag You're It: You can do the tag, too! Mention the site/blog you 
found it on! Have fun! (

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